Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Have never really tried to make a website before... of course have never really blogged about anything before.
So this is the first attempt at making a website and I also made the video on the home page, it has nothing to do with kinetic art but instead on something else that I think is very interesting. Urban Decay! Enjoy! Here's hoping the links are going to work, they are cranky sometimes.
0p;/Urban Decay Website


  1. How amazing are those photographs?! Great Job! I would love to take a rode trip to see all those places! I like the video on your homepage, with great music choice!

  2. K, the fish interactive animation is awesome. Its a cool little addition to the blog. How were you able to do this?

  3. Audio- Thanx! The video was a lot of fun to make... website not so much. lol I think I will stick to these pre-set up webpages. Would be awesome to check these these places out! The photographs are eerie and captivating at the same time, there are some really awesome sites to check out if you want to know more, they are listed on that site and hopefully they work ~_^
    Dallan Quade Isom: The fish are a lot of fun and easy to set up, if you go to the top of your screen there should be a link that says design and it will bring up a map of what your blog looks like. There are several boxes that say 'add gadget' just click on one of those boxes and scroll down I think it is labeled fish, you can choose how many and what color the fish are from there and then just click ok. ^_^
